Colon Cancer Screening in Paulding, GA

Paulding Office

148 Bill Carruth Parkway Suite 200
Hiram, GA 30141
Hours of Operation
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
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Receive Your Colon Screening at our Paulding Location

For over 30 years, GI Specialists of Georgia has provided patients with a range of specialized gastrointestinal services, including a colon cancer screening near Atlanta, GA, and surrounding areas. We comprise a board-certified team of gastrointestinal specialists and hepatology doctors supported by caring assistants, anesthesia technicians, and practitioners devoted to providing safe, effective procedures for our patients. Our teams offer complete diagnosis and customized treatment plans to remedy all gastrointestinal ailments and digestive tract disorders. We will provide a thorough evaluation at our diagnostics and endoscopy centers and partner with your primary care provider to formulate a treatment plan suitable for your specific needs. Visit our Paulding office today if you are experiencing the signs or symptoms of a gastrointestinal issue, and we’ll begin the process of developing an effective treatment plan.

Doctor Performing Esophageal Dilation Procedure at GI Specialists of Georgia in Atlanta, GA

Trust Us to Provide a Complete Colon Screening for You

Colon cancer is among the most common types of cancer for men and women in the United States, with rates rising continuously throughout. Colon cancer is highly treatable. However, detecting signs and symptoms early is essential to success. Periodic colon screenings allow colon cancer doctors to form treatment plans quickly and implement early measures to prevent the spread of cancer. Experts recommend that individuals 40 years or younger or those with high-risk factors schedule routine colon screenings to prevent and eliminate colon cancer before it becomes widespread.

Our team is board-certified and equipped to provide the following gastrointestinal services:

  • Complete colon cancer screening and polyp removal.
  • General gastrointestinal and hepatology procedures.
  • Endoscopic procedures and testing for patients.

Procedures Offered to Patients Near Paulding

Our team of gastrointestinal specialists offers the following services to our patients around Atlanta, GA, and near our Paulding office, providing them in our endoscopy center and pathology lab. Give us a call if you’re experiencing signs of gastrointestinal issues, and we’ll schedule an exam for you.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD)
This endoscopic procedure gives doctors the ability to assess patients for gastroesophageal reflux disease and determine the source of swallowing issues, stomach nausea, intestinal bleeding, ulcers, and tumors.
Esophageal Manometry
This testing procedure evaluates the rhythm of esophageal contractions while swallowing. Strong contractions are a sign of a healthy esophagus, while weak contractions can cause pain and discomfort.
Capsule Endoscopy
During this procedure, we provide a vitamin-sized capsule that patients swallow to evaluate their digestive tract. The capsule records images of the tract, and doctors review them for signs and symptoms of digestive disorder.
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
This endoscopic procedure enables doctors to view a patient’s large intestine and evaluate their rectum and sigmoid, or the descending colon. The procedure checks for signs of colon cancer and locates the cause of bleeding, diarrhea, and constipation.
Bravo pH Monitor
Doctors place a temporary capsule into a patient’s esophagus for a period to collect data and assess their pH levels. The collected data is transmitted to the doctors for further observation and analysis.
Endoscopic Ultrasound
During an endoscopic ultrasound, soundwaves are deployed to take images of a patient’s internal organs and structures, captured by a device attached to the endoscope. The device helps doctors assess the stomach and walls of the GI tract.
Hemorrhoidal Banding
During this procedure, gastrointestinal specialists fit small, gentle rubber bands around internal hemorrhoids, cutting off their blood supply. The procedure is quick, painless and doesn’t require anesthesia.
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopathy Pancreatogram (ERCP)
This procedure allows doctors to reach and examine ducts within the pancreas and liver. A safe dye is applied to the ducts, enabling doctors to take x-rays.
The non-invasive Fibro Scan procedure assesses a patient’s liver and looks for signs of fibrosis or fatty spots. Fibro Scan involves an ultrasound that typically lasts 15 minutes.
GI Specialists of Georgia waiting area

Give Us a Call for Trusted Procedures Near Paulding

Our board-certified gastrointestinal specialists have practiced and formed effective treatment plans for patients for over 30 years. GI Specialists of Georgia become a trusted source of gastro, endoscopic, and hepatology treatments, treating all kinds of disorders and diseases to restore our patients’ health. We use the latest, most advanced technology in our pathology lab and diagnostic and endoscopy centers to assess our patients’ issues and form customized treatment plans. We’re here to help if you experience pain, discomfort, or symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem. Contact us today, and we’ll collaborate with your primary care provider to develop a perfect treatment plan.

Meet Our Providers

Dr. Michael J. Grupka Photo
Dr. Michael J. Grupka
Paulding Office
Dr. Judy Oh Photo
Dr. Judy Oh
Paulding Office

    Schedule an Appointment with Our Atlanta-Area Gastroenterologists

    Whether you’re here for an endoscopic ultrasound or a colonoscopy, we will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity. Our gastroenterologists in the Douglasville and Northwest Atlanta area believe in the importance of educating our patients on a variety of health topics, ranging from anemia to gastrointestinal infections, cirrhosis of the liver, and pancreatitis. To schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified gastroenterologists, please contact GI Specialists of Georgia today.

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    Schedule an Appointment with GI Specialists of Georgia