GI Specialists of Georgia’s Quality Treatment for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoidal banding is a simple, painless, and effective method for eradicating hemorrhoids in impacted patients. More importantly, it serves as an alternative to traditional measures, making it a better fit for nearly all patients. Hemorrhoids are painful, disruptive, and potentially embarrassing. You don’t have to live with them. GI Specialists of Georgia is proud to stay up to date on the latest techniques and theories in the medical community. Our willingness to offer hemorrhoidal banding is one way we do so.

What Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a common ailment in both men and women and frequently impact pregnant women. As you age, your risk of hemorrhoids steadily increases. Hemorrhoids are swollen vessels in the lower rectum and anus and commonly occur due to increased or prolonged sitting or pressure. They aren't a life-threatening condition, but they do cause bleeding, burning, and discomfort. For chronic hemorrhoid sufferers, the simple act of sitting in their office chair can be unbearable. Unfortunately, for years, the solution was surgery. Now, with banding, those who suffer from hemorrhoids can find relief without resorting to expensive and invasive surgical options.

How Frequently is Hemorrhoidal Banding Performed?
While surgery once reigned as the preferred method of chronic hemorrhoid treatment, that isn’t the case anymore. Thousands of patients receive hemorrhoidal banding treatments around the country a day, and our facilities regularly perform this painless procedure. You should feel encouraged by how common the procedure it is. Knowing our specialists perform it so regularly is a testament to its efficacy.
What Are the Benefits of Hemorrhoidal Banding?
Let’s start with the obvious: Hemorrhoidal banding eradicates the pain and discomfort associated with chronic hemorrhoids. It enables patients to live a happier life, frees them up to explore new social activities – such as attending sporting events – and more. If you’ve lived with chronic hemorrhoids for years, you might have forgotten what it feels like not to have them. Trust us when we tell you the primary benefit of hemorrhoidal banding is saying good riddance forever.
How Does Hemorrhoidal Banding Work?
During the procedure, one of our GI specialists uses a small rubber band to choke the base of the swollen vein. Doing so cuts off the blood supply and causes it to shrink and fall off. The procedure itself takes less than five minutes, with results occurring a few days after the appointment. GI Specialists of Georgia performs this procedure at any of our Northern Atlanta clinics.

Will I Need to Visit GI Specialists of Georgia More than Once?
Sometimes. However, we do not advise more than one treatment per visit. If you have multiple hemorrhoids, we find it’s best to address each one separately, rather than at once. If that’s the case, we’ll schedule several treatments a few weeks apart. Whatever course of action we pursue, we’ll be sure to let you know ahead of time.
Are There Complications I Should Be Aware Of?
GI Specialists of Georgia uses a suction devise during the procedure. This apparatus is meant to reduce any bleeding or pain. However, you might experience some mild complications, such as minor bleeding, discomfort, or urinary hesitancy, which will subside quickly.
Is Hemorrhoidal Banding Truly a Pain-Free Experience?
Relatively. However, the procedure itself is likely far less painful than the hemorrhoids are. Some patients experience a dull ache or some discomfort. Still, hemorrhoidal banding never requires the use of a numbing agent or sedation. If you do experience slight discomfort, over-the-counter pain medications will help. More significant pain is infrequent, but we encourage you to immediately call our office so we can examine you and make sure there are no issues.
Contact GI Specialists of Georgia Today to Get Started
We have a sterling reputation for innovation and compassion. GI Specialists of Georgia’s team of gastroenterologists understand how hopeless chronic gastroenterological diseases can make you feel. So, we dedicate ourselves to remaining at the forefront of medical technology and delivering compassionate, individualized care. Whether you require treatment for hemorrhoids or hepatitis, our team remains wholly devoted to your overall health. Learn more about GI Specialists of Georgia by scheduling an appointment at one of our nine offices or three endoscopy centers.
Schedule an Appointment with Our Atlanta-Area Gastroenterologists
Whether you’re here for an endoscopic ultrasound or a colonoscopy, we will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity. Our gastroenterologists in the Douglasville and Northwest Atlanta area believe in the importance of educating our patients on a variety of health topics, ranging from anemia to gastrointestinal infections, cirrhosis of the liver, and pancreatitis. To schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified gastroenterologists, please contact GI Specialists of Georgia today.
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