Dr. Karim Gani

Dr. Karim Gani

Dr. Karim Gani

Primary Location

Canton Office




Northside Cherokee Hospital, Canton, GA


Dr. Karim Gani is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. He has been in practice since 1999. His primary office location is Canton, but he also sees patients at our Woodstock office.

Dr. Gani received his Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery from Tirunelveli Medical College in Tirunelveli, India. He completed his Doctor of Medicine, post graduate & Chief Medical Residency at the Madurai Medical College in Madurai, India. He completed a Research Fellowship in Gastroenterology at the Christian Medical College in Vellore, India, and Fellowships in both Gastroenterology and Therapeutic Endoscopy at Albany Medical College in Albany, NY.

He has earned the National Merit Scholarship award for Academic Excellence in both Medical School and Undergraduate College. He has published several publications and is a member of the Richmond County Medical Society, The American Society of Gastroenterology and Endocrinology, and the American College of Gastroenterology.

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